


主要研究博士候选人David Ruth双臂交叉对着镜头微笑
主要研究 PhD candidate DAvid Ruth, lead author on a recent 自然物理 article. 图片来源:Sydney Staples.

New research from a team of physicists led by 主要研究 significantly advances our understanding of how protons, 它们构成了宇宙的95%, 相互影响. 研究结果最近发表在《澳门葡京网赌游戏》杂志上 自然物理, provide a benchmark for testing the strong force, one of the four fundamental forces in nature.

“这两件事还有很多未解之谜, 质子和强作用力,主要作者大卫·鲁斯说, Ph值.D. 主要研究候选人. “这让我们更接近这种理解. 它是宇宙中两个非常基本的东西的必要组成部分.”

The strong force governs how what’s internal to the atom’s nucleus — neutrons, 质子和组成它们的夸克和胶子结合在一起. 它是自然界四种基本力中最不为人所知的, 包括重力, 电磁力和弱力.

“如果我们真的想了解我们的世界, 我们必须对这种力有一个坚实的理论,物理学教授说 卡尔Slifer她是露丝的顾问,也是这项研究的主要合作者.

澳门葡京网赌游戏这两个问题,还有很多没有答案 ... 质子和强作用力. 这让我们更接近那种理解. 它是宇宙中两个非常基本的东西的必要组成部分.”

研究人员测试了两种最先进的技术, competing theoretical calculations of the strong force with an experiment probing the spin of the protons 在一个 regime, 或者操作模式, where the quarks that comprise them are at a great distance from each other. Their experimental findings agreed with one of the calculations but not the other.

“因为这些计算非常复杂, 每个理论小组对如何做到这一点做出不同的选择,露丝谈到这种差异时说. “Due to some choice the theorists made in these calculations, they ended up different. 如果我们要理解强作用力, 我们需要知道哪一个是对的, 哪个是错的?.”

Not only were the calculations extremely complex, the experiment itself was no walk in the park. It was conducted a decade ago at the 能源部’s Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility; at that time it was the largest ever installation in Jefferson Lab’s Hall A facility.



Ruth’s research is the second 主要研究 nuclear physics study to publish 在一个 high-profile journal recently. 2022年8月,当时的博士.D. 学生李淑洁是一篇文章的主要作者 自然 这给核子的相互作用带来了新的见解, the protons and neutrons that form the dense nucleus at the core of the atom. 这项研究提供了对夸克的独特观察, 构成质子和中子的粒子, 并帮助我们了解中子星的冷致密核物质. The work informs other research fields, including astrophysics and neutrino physics.

李,现在在 劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室, collaborated on this work with fellow graduate student Nathaly Santiesteban, 现在是主要研究的物理学助理教授, 以及已故的物理学助理教授帕特里夏·索尔维农-斯利弗. 美国能源部将这项实验称为“高影响”.”

这项工作在一定程度上得到了 能源部科学办公室美国核物理办公室和美国国家科学基金会.

阅读更多 澳门葡京网赌游戏研究.

“这需要一小群研究生, post-docs and technical staff six months to install and another six months to run,斯利弗说 , 谁领导了2021年的实验, 在一个 自然研究简报会 这是文章附带的. “在此过程中,我们遇到了许多技术挑战.“露丝,他将完成他的博士学位.D. in the coming year, analyzed data from the experiment but was not present for it.

The next step in the inquiry into the strong force, says Ruth, is back in the theorists’ hands. “A lot of physics is the theorists and the experimentalists tossing balls to each other. We’re tossing the ball back to the theorists and saying, ‘Why don’t your calculations agree? 需要做些什么才能让他们达成一致?’”

Slifer can imagine the work moving out of the theoretical or experimental and into practical applications, much as our understanding of interactions between nucleons a century ago gave birth to applications like fission and fusion and nuclear power. “我不确定会有哪些应用程序, 但这种理解将推动未来的新技术,他说.

除了露丝和斯利弗, 主要研究 co-authors on the study were former 主要研究 postdoctoral researcher James Maxwell, now a staff scientist at Jefferson Lab; former graduate students Ryan Zielinski and Toby Badman; assistant professor 埃琳娜长; former postdoc SarPh值illips; 以及已故的物理学助理教授帕特里夏·索尔维农-斯利弗. 这项工作是由几家公司资助的 能源部 赠款,包括资助主要研究的DE-FG02-88ER40410.