National Academy of Sciences program recognizes outstanding young scientists

Assistant Professor 米歇尔Fournet in Dresden, Germany at one of the Kavli Fellow symposia

Assistant Professor 米歇尔Fournet in Dresden, Germany at one of the Kavli Fellow symposia

米歇尔Fournet, 海洋声学生态学家, assistant professor in the department of biological sciences and affiliate faculty member for the 主要研究声学研究与教育中心最近被提名为2023年 美国国家科学院(NAS) Kavli科学前沿研究员, an honor that includes an invitation to attend one of three Kavli Frontiers of Science symposia.

The three-day events bring together scientists who are 45 or younger to share exceptional research and ideas across variety of disciplines and network with other young researchers who have already made recognized contributions to science. NAS selected 118 of the nation’s most outstanding young scientists from industry, 学术界和政府的参与.

“我的工作跨越了应用科学和基础科学的界限. 很难将我学习沟通的方式和原因置于背景中, 这也是我研究鲸鱼交流的原因,福内特说. “To have the NAS highlight this work as valuable and interesting was extremely flattering.”

6人以上,200 young scientists have participated in the symposia since the program’s founding in 1989. To date, 323 participants have been elected to the NAS and 18 have been awarded the Nobel Prize.

Fournet was one of five American researchers invited to speak at the Japanese-American-German symposium, 10月5日至8日在德累斯顿举行的, 由亚历山大·冯·洪堡基金会共同主办. The sessions focused on animal linguistics: origins and evolution of language; environmental humanities; high-resolution global modeling for weather and climate; the James Webb Space Telescope: from exoplanets to dark energy and the expanding universe; explainable and robust machine learning; and quantum science and technology. Fournet opened the symposium session on animal linguistics with an introductory talk titled “Some Things Never Change: An Ethological Approach to Investigating the Origins of Humpback Whale Vocal Behavior.”

Fournet looks forward to inviting the researchers she met at the symposium to 主要研究 and says she’s already working on implementing some of the new ideas she picked up at the symposium into her own work.

“The goal is to encourage bright minds from around the world to interact and share ideas and cultures and push the boundaries of the cutting edge of science and the symposia are known for generating high-profile international collaborations,她指出. “这段经历非同寻常.”